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Article Marketing Tips – How Much Do I Need To Write To Make Money Online?

This is a very common question asked by many marketers who are looking into making money online through writing articles. In this article today, we are going to discuss a few vital article marketing tips that will help you generate traffic and sales through article marketing.

How much Do you need to write to make money online?

The answer to this question is it depends. Depending on how competitive your niche is will determine how many articles you will need to write in a day in order to promote your online business.

Also, know that by only writing a few good articles every month will not bring you the results you need in order to have success online. Many marketers have made this mistake with article marketing, so make sure that you understand that ” more is better, and less is without success”.

Here are a few article marketing tips for writing and making money online:

1. Niche and keywords are important. If you are in a very competitive niche, then you will need to write more articles a day using less competitive long-tail-keywords, a string of 3 or more words in a search phrase, in order to improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your site. Basically, you will need to at least write 2-3 articles a day and submit them to directories as well as finding good long-tail-keywords by using an online keyword tool like Google Keyword Tool to see which phrases are getting about 5,000 results or less.

2. Quality and Quantity. Make sure that your articles are written in an informative and captivating manner for your online readers written in 250-400 words in length. Your articles should include a good title, compelling body, and conclusion. Use your keyword once in your title, body and conclusion at 1% density( about once every one hundred words). Secondly, write and submit as many articles as you can covering your topic, with the minimum of about 2 to 3 articles a day to article directories online.

3. An Effective Resource Box. Your resource box contains the links to your website and should include a command for your readers to click through to your website. A command is a sentence or two that gives a call-to-action for the reader. A good example of this would be if you were promoting a health product you could put ” Be healthier, look younger with( the product)…..If you use the Click-Here-Now command followed by a question and not a command to your reader it can come off as too sales-like and will loose a lot of your potential traffic.

These article marketing tips can be used to create more success for your business online with both traffic rates and sales. By writing at least 2-3 articles a day, submitting them to article directories, and using good keyword research can make you money online in the field of article marketing.